Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ignition working

The ignition system consists of a Dyna III electronic ignition with two Dyna coils. This is an aftermarket upgrade from a mechanical system originally installed. The electronic ignition should provide a 70 percent stronger spark than original. The problem with my previous set up on the coils was that i had put the ground on one of the positivies, and to fix that 
I grounded it and commected the positives together.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Starter motor

It appeared that the motor that came with the bike was dysfunctional. I came to this conclusion by attaching the positive to the battery's positive and grounding the battery, then I jumped the solenoid with a screwdriver. The solenoid clicked, but the motor didn't spin. I then ground the spare motor I had (it was off the bike) and tested it by jumping the same as before. It did work sufficiently, so I removed the previous motor's two bolts and reattached.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The T3's brakes

The brakes on the T3 are very impressive. There are dual hydrologic discs in the front and a single hydrologic disc in the back. The rear brake's linkage is attached to the front left disc as well as the rear disc. This gives extra braking power when required I would assume. The whiskey glass contains hydrologic fluid.


Haven't been giving the Kawasaki as much attention as it may deserve due to the new Guzzi but it does require a new set of lights in addition to some adjustment to its new clutch springs. It also could use a nice wash since last it was ridden, it was in the rain/hail storm.


There are two ignition coils on the 850 T3 connected to a circuit breaker. Also the wiring diagram surprises me alot. Being accustomed to the Kawasaki's single coil that is practically one wire in and a think one coming out, it is much more difficult to service. I don't know why the circuit breaker only has one set of wires coming out of it when it look as if there should be two.

I temporally assembled the two screws on the indicator lights next to the tach and speedometer so I could get a picture of that. I find it really cool there's a brake light indicator on there, and this reminds me I need to fix the neutral light on the Kawasaki instead of slipping the clutch or killing the engine to find neutral on it.

I also applies some blue RTV gasket maker to the valve covers because they were missing their regular gaskets. This will (hopefully) prevent oil from spraying everywhere when reved up. Last time I replaced a valve cover gasket it was on my Mazda and when it revs up oil sprays all over the wind shield.

Bike first arrived